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Mold Monthly

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Stay up to date on the latest industry standards for indoor air quality.

The Difference between Mold and Mildew

Discover the key differences between mold and mildew, their growth conditions, and appearances. Learn effective removal techniques to maintain a safe and healthy home environment. Our detailed guide will help you identify and address these common issues, ensuring your property stays protected.

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Mycotoxins in Your Food

Discover common contamination in grains, nuts, and other foods, and learn how proper storage and handling can help reduce risks. This guide offers a starting point for those with health concerns related to mycotoxins, providing practical advice for everyday prevention.

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What are Mycotoxins and Where Are Mycotoxins Found In Your Home - Part 1

Part one of a two-part series, dives into the presence of mycotoxins in homes, with a focus on those originating from water-damaged environments. In homes, mycotoxins are typically associated with mold growth due to water damage and can cling to surfaces and furniture. In this blog, various mycotoxins are described, highlighting their potential health impacts.

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Is Green Mold more Dangerous than other Colors?

Are you curious about dangerous mold colors? Mold can appear in various hues, like green, black, or gray. But color doesn't determine danger. Mold identification through lab analysis is key to understanding health risks.

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Cautionary Thoughts: Are Essential Oils Safe to Inhale?

Essential oils are a concentrated liquid made by extracting plant fragrances or organic compounds. Many people use essential oils daily, but it is important to be aware of how it can affect you. Discover the wonders of essential oils: their uses, benefits, and risks. Gain knowledge on safety measures, regulation concerns, and expert advice for using essential oils effectively.

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A Year in Review: Excellent Questions Asked in 2023

We answered eight common questions we were asked in 2023. From tackling the 'dirty sock syndrome' to addressing respiratory problems, sweating windows, and mold concerns, we've got you covered. Discover if painting over mold is a viable option, unravel the fogging trend, and understand the risks of lead paint. Read into insights about mycotoxins in your body and learn about managing asbestos in your HVAC ductwork. You don't want to miss this 'Year in Review"!

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Dust Mites: The Global Housemates

Discover the hidden threat of dust mites in 84% of American homes. Learn practical prevention tips, from encasing mattresses to using acaricide-treated fabrics. This blog will help you understand why killing dust mites isn't enough and explore effective cleaning methods, including hot water washing and steam treatments. Take control of your indoor environment!

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The Cost of Mold Damage: Why Early Detection is Key

Not only does mold damage building materials, but it also has health risks due to mycotoxin exposure. Protect your home and health by preventing mold growth through early detection of elevated moisture. Learn to identify signs of moisture such as staining and odors, in common areas like your basements and attics. Address these issues as quickly as possible with the help of professionals - don't let the physical and financial consequences escalate!

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Lead In Drinking Water: Understanding the Threat and Finding Solutions

Is your drinking water safe? This is an issue that affects every single household and it's not something you want to take lightly. It is essential that you understand the threat and find solutions to keep the drinking water in your home safe! In this blog post, we will discuss just that. You will see the effects of lead in your drinking water, who is at the highest risk, and how to fix this issue.

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Asbestos In the Workplace: Protecting Employees and The Environment

Let’s talk about workplace safety and a silent danger - asbestos. As a company specializing in indoor air quality, we believe it’s essential to understand the potential dangers of asbestos and how to safeguard against them. Today, we’ll discuss the risks of asbestos exposure and the need for precautions to protect both employees and the environment.

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Preventing Mold Damage in Your Home: Tips and Tricks

Mold growth in homes can be a persistent and damaging problem. Not only does it compromise the structural integrity of your property, but it also poses health risks to you and your family. The mantra that people should remember is “mold is the symptom and water is the problem” Fortunately, with proper preventive measures, you can minimize the chances of mold taking hold in your home. In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore effective tips and tricks to prevent mold damage and create a healthier living environment

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Lead in the Home: Sources, Health Risks, & Prevention

Lead paint was available for use in residential homes until 1978. Lead was added to paint because it allowed for a wider range of color pigments. However, lead poses significant health risks, especially for children and pregnant women. In this brief blog post, we will summarize the sources of lead paint in the home, the associated health hazards, and essential preventive measures to protect your family from lead exposure.

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Asbestos In The Home: How To Identify & Mitigate Risks

Many building materials can contain asbestos. Since these materials are not obvious, we need to be able to be able to answer several questions; how can we identify its presence in our homes? What are the risks to exposure? What steps can we take to reduce those risks for exposure?

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Completing an Indoor Air Quality Assessment in Amish Homes

The Amish community is well known for its traditional way of life; agricultural, simple, horse and buggy, no electricity. This distinctive lifestyle, and using unique construction techniques, can present significant challenges to maintaining optimal indoor air quality (IAQ).This discussion will describe some of the methods of approaching the completion of an indoor air quality assessment (IAQ) in an Amish home.

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The Effects Of Mold Exposure On Your Health

Mold growth is caused by the presence of elevated amounts of moisture in the form of either humidity or liquid water. In a normal home, water migrates into the home through the basement, and exits the home through the attic.

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The Consequences of Lead Exposure: Understanding Lead Damage

The dangers of lead exposure on the human body are well known. Lead can cause nervous system and kidney damage, decreased intelligence, attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, and speech or language problems. This blog will discuss what is a lead-based paint, the health effects of lead exposure, and how to prevent the exposure. 

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Deep Breath: Preparing Your Home for Winter

During the spring, summer, and fall, we can open our windows to let fresh air into our homes; but during the winter, we are energy conscience and close everything up nice and tight. In this article, we discuss three issues that affect the indoor air quality of a home during the winter.

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Comparing Proposals from Mold Remediation Companies - Part 2

If you are a homeowner, or property owner, and need to hire a contractor to remove mold from your home or building, the format and content of the two or three proposals you review need to be similar. Part 2 discusses Warranties, Final Report, and Billing Methods.

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Comparing Proposals from Mold Remediation Companies - Part 1

If you are a homeowner, or property owner, and need to hire a contractor to remove mold from your home or building, the format and content of the two or three proposals you review need to be similar. This article will help in understanding what to expect, the content, and how compare the proposals you review.

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Deep Breath: Why Is Indoor Air Quality Important?

We breathe 3,000 gallons of air a day. Newborn babies often breathe 30 to 60 times per minute. It is a good idea to refresh our understanding and priority for controlling the moisture content of wood on a job site.

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Deep Breath: Monitoring the Moisture in Our Homes

New homeowners depend on the builders to construct a home that is safe to live in. So, lets talk about the timeline for mold growth and what are the typical contaminants we find.

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The Preparation of Mold Remediation Protocols: Part 4

Part 4 of a 4-Part series on the Preparation of Mold Remediation Protocols. This article goes over Post Remedial Verification, Project File Documentation, and Examples of Inappropriate Protocol Content.

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The Preparation of Mold Remediation Protocols: Part 3

Part 3 of a 4-part series on the Preparation of Mold Remediation Protocols. This article discusses Remediation Techniques, waste disposal, and methods for cleaning.

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The Preparation of Mold Remediation Protocols: Part 2

Part 2 of a 4-part series on the Preparation of Mold Remediation Protocols. In this article, we will discuss handling contents and preparing/maintaining a containment area.

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The Preparation of Mold Remediation Protocols: Part 1

Part 1 of a 4 part series on the Preparation of Mold Remediation Protocols. The goal of a Mold Remediation Protocol (MRP) document is to provide a guideline for the remediation contractor to complete the project in accordance with current industry standards and demonstrate that the building is safe to occupy.

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Lead Paint in Homes: What Contractors Need to Know

If a home was built prior to 1978, then it is possible there may be some lead paint and contractors should know that the State of Ohio and EPA has rules to follow. This article includes some of the highpoints for what to consider and where to find more information.

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Lead Paint in Homes: What Homeowners Need to Know

A pre-1978 home may have lead-based paint either on the interior or exterior surfaces. This article includes some of the high points for what to consider when buying an older home and where to find more information.

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The Hidden Dangers of Mold: Understanding Mold Damage

The presence of mold may not be immediately apparent, and symptoms of mold exposure can be subtle and easily overlooked. Explore the hidden dangers of mold and how to recognize and address mold damage in your home or building.

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What is Asbestos and Why is it Dangerous?

Asbestos was used in many building materials throughout the 20th century. Now known to be a carcinogen, It can cause serious health problems when its fibers become airborne and are inhaled.

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